Patches Of My Life

Doesn't the title tell u already?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Going Deaf

This happened sometime in April 2003. we were always having the slightest excuse to have a party at my father's house. Any excuse to get together and eat and chat. So we had a laksa party on Saturday, home-made laksa with those pre-packed thing that you add water and coconut milk to. Then just add fish cake, tau pok, prawns, and cockles with lots of bean sprouts.. Yum Yum.
But there were a lot of leftovers and being the waste-not-want-not person that I am, I had the same for lunch and dinner on Sunday. You might say that's not good for health. Well what happened was not quite what I expected.
Come Monday morning. The phone rang and I picked it up. Hello? No sound. Hmm.. Put down the phone. It rang again. Picked it up, put to my left silence. Put to my sister on the line. Chat with her a bit. After the call I put the phone to my left again..silence. I've gone completly deaf on my left!! No matter.. Went about my daily chores.
After dinner my world turned upside down..I felt very dizzy..everything was my daughter [this is daughter number 2] to call for the ambulance. The medics came , I was vomiting everything..[this daughter can't see people vomit- she wants to throw up also] After a few hours at Alexandra Hospital for observation, I was send home with medicine and told to come back in a week's time. The world was still spinning.
On top of that, daughter number 2 had to do her final collection for her fashion design course in the La Salle-SIA School of Fine Arts (Diploma). Being not quite rich, we opted to make the clothes ourselves instead of hiring a professional seamstress..they charge an arm and a leg for each article of clothing! The collection would have cost us hundreds of dollars!!
Anyhow, manage to crawl over to my father's place to sew..the machines are there..our house have too much stuff and not enough space. Manage to finish the sewing on time after pulling an all nighter..this is about four weeks from THAT monday.
Now one week after the hospital visit, I was tested and found totally deaf on the right and the doctor explained that I got dizzy because my brain compensated for the loss of hearing. If this was gradual I would not feel it but since it's sudden..whoa!! So he prescribed some medicine and told me to come back two weeks later..
Two weeks later I was tested again and part of the hearing came back together with a buzzing in my ear. So to cut the story short [I'm actually quiet lor sor already] after a few months I was discharged as there was no hearing improvement and was told to go get a hearing aid..which cost upwards of $1000.00. If the hearing aid can help then I'll get one. The technical assistance said maybe. Maybe? I'm not going to spend that amount of money on maybe.
So here I am two years later, partially deaf with an irritating buzz in my ear that gets very annoying when I'm in a crowded (noisy) place. When this happen, I can't hear anything..not even in my good ear. I got to live with it. I tell my family to speak to my right husband still insist to stand on my left [chivalry- he got to be on the nearer side of the road- some people will understand what I mean] and talk..I choose to ignore him..haha. Sometimes that's a blessing..


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