Patches Of My Life

Doesn't the title tell u already?

Friday, July 22, 2005

House On The Hill

I remembered the times I stayed with my 4th Auntie in her house on the hill in Kampung Bahru. Her house was located in Bukit Purmei. There was a church on the left and I think there was also a school.. you have to walk up a slight slope then down again, cross the road and then up a small hill. There's a flight of stairs carved into the hill about twenty steps or so. I don't like going up to the house by this way because it was quite steep. Coming down was more scary..
There was another way to the house, a longer walk but less steep and no proper steps, just a uphill walk. This path was on the right side of the house if you were standing in front of the house looking downhill. The stairs were in front slightly to the left, off-center. Flanking the stairs were two jambu ayer trees, one red jambu and one green. I liked the green ones. [Still like the green ones over the red but they are so expensive now.] Next to the slopey path was a blingg blingg tree.. [Thinking of the tree make my mouth sour!]
Behind the house there were lots of other trees.. I remembered a guava tree in particular. It had a branch that grew parallel to the ground about three or four feet high. My older brother Jeffery and I would take turns sitting on the branch and bounce. The branch was not too thick so could only take us one at a time and we can bounce. Two of us together and the branch would sag to the ground.. Sometimes Jeffery would not let me go on the branch and I would cry and complain to my Aunt and she would say to my brother "Chye Chye, let her play, she's younger." And I would get my way.. I supposed he got his revenge one day when I did the same crying bit when I wanted to ride the tricycle..He pushed me so hard that I fell over and got hurt.. [Still have a scar on my left foot..]
There were also mango trees and other fruit trees that I can't remember the names of and there was also a vegetable garden with tapioca plants and other greens.. Too young to know what kinds. Somewhere in the midst of this outback was an outhouse (toilet, for those of you who are blur)..Going there after dark was a scary affair..Just the dark with only a candle..funny noises..not easy to take a shit!! On top of that, mosquitoes stinging your butt!! So if you needed to do a shit, you wait till almost the last minute, run to the outhouse with a lighted candle, make sure you don't miss your footing or you drop into the hole (with all the shit in a bucket) , do a quick dump and run back home!! FUN!!


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