Patches Of My Life

Doesn't the title tell u already?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Utter Clutter

There were two more additions to the family after we moved into the two-storey terrace house in Margaret Drive.. Raymond came along when I was seven, still in primary one and then Dennis came along when I was nine.. Mother was too busy with the baby and I had to wash my own school shoes and that of my older siblings... They bullied me into washing their shoes as well. Then, when there were two young ones, I had to iron my own school uniform.. Mother had a washer-woman come in every day to do the laundry (no washing machine then), except Sunday.. So if there were too much clothes on Sunday, mother would wash them rather than let the washer-woman complain when she come in the next day.. I had to help sometimes, to wring out the clothes.. Later I had to do the laundry all on my own at the age of 12 or 13 years.. I had rhuematism because of this and I could tell when it's going to rain.. (My husband used me as a barometer whenever he wanted to go fishing.. I was very accurate too!)

I was also asked to go marketing for fresh food (after following mother a few times) and had to clean the house.. I've got no complains about all this as I would like to think it made me a better person and I liked cleaning.. especially when it's all done and you sit back and relax over a cup of tea/coffee.. I used to do spring cleaning at least twice a year, taking everything out and moving the furniture about, and all the other people in the house would keep away and this would be 'down-time' for me.. Time to reflect on whatever's been happening, or sometimes when I was angry, this would be cooling-off time.. And at the end of it all, I would be happy and although the cause of my anger or unhappiness or whatever may not be forgotten, they were put aside like it never happened.

Besides spring cleaning, I like to sew and crochet.. And this is another way for me to 'chill-out' .. But I don't do this when I'm angry.. Actually I don't do anything when I'm angry... Nothing gets achieved... So I sew when I'm happy, I crochet when I'm happy! I clean when I'm happy! I can hear somebody out there say "BULLSHIT!".. Haha..

So, you may imagine that I would now be sitting in a cozy little corner of my 3-room HDB apartment, crocheting away, with a nice cup of tea somewhere.. NOT!! My apartment is full of clutter! I haven't done any major cleaning for the past four years ! Why?? Let me tell you the whole story... From the beginning.. about ten years ago...

I'd been living in this 3-room apartment since I got married in 1980.. At first we had the bare neccessities and when financially we improved, I thought that we should renovate the apartment.. change the windows from wooden louvres to sliding windows so that we could install air-conditioning; get built-in kitchen cabinets to put up all the lovely glass-ware I have; get wall cabinets so that all our things will be hidden and everthing will look nice and neat... So I saved and saved and then the opportunity came.. In 1995 my youngest brother Dennis, who is married by this time, and with his first child, bought a unit in the next block.. Great! I could stay in his unit first, while my apartment is being renovated (very messy and inconvenient to be living in a place being done-up)... But the contractor, who was my husband's friend, told us not to waste our effort and money because the HDB block we're staying in, was slated for re-development and we would be required to move somewhere 2 to 3 years time...

Well! Hmm... 2 to 3 years ! I can wait and that means we can get a bigger apartment and I don't have to worry about the money... HDB will compensate us about $100,000.00 for this old apartment and we can use our CPF to buy the new one! So I went on a holiday with my two girls, to Perth (in 1997), and spent half of what I saved for the renovations. Then we waited for news about the en-bloc.. Nothing.. And we waited and waited, not daring to renovate, not buying new furniture because it won't go with another apartment.. and meantime, because we were expecting to get a bigger apartment, and the girls would be getting their own rooms, they bought a lot of things they wanted for their rooms.. "Mudder, I want this for my room.. it's on offer now.. next time may not have it.." So there is a mini water-fountain somewhere and a few other memorablia in boxes on the shelf...

Things weren't so bad at first.. My husband got a job where he was posted over-seas (Vietnam) and he comes back every 3 to 4 months and he brings back souveniers from his week-end trips to the outskirts of Hanoi.. There were celedon vases, wooden carvings, aromatheraphy burners (which I liked) and other knick-knacks.. These were still okay as I would display the items for a while and then put them away... Then in February 2001, he sent a fax: "Dear, I'm coming home for good..HQ wants me back." One week later he's home with his luggage and a couple of boxes containing fruits and gifts.. Not too bad I thought.. "Dear, all the other stuff will be arrive later" HUH?? What other stuff?? A few weeks later 11 (ELEVEN!) boxes arrived and I'm not talking about shoe-boxes!! They were big!! They took up half of the living room.. I gave up.. He told me he gave the TV to somebody (thank goodness).. Why did he not give away the oven as well?? and all the cook-wares?? There were more clothing and books and souveniers and paintings and carvings.. I surrender.. I can't find a place to keep all these!! Eventually I managed to put away some of the things but there's still 4 boxes in plain view and then I bought shelving to house things that my girls bought and yet there are stuff piled on the floor, and stuff piled on the table, and stuff on top of other stuff and clutter everywhere...

People who come by and see all the stuff always suggest that I throw them away... Now if I wanted to throw things away why would I buy them in the first place? Everything was bought because it was wanted/needed.. One day I may de-clutter, but not today... Today I want to sit back and relax and have a cup of tea...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Outward Bounds

From July 1974 to July 1977 I was attached to the RSAF and was drawing a monthly salary of $980.00 which has the buying power of $4,500.00 today... so why did I leave? My mother would loved to have me sign on but if she only knew the angst that I suffered.. Having to work with crappy shitty Neanderthals and stupid bitches.. These women I refer to were those from HQ A.E.T.I. Changi.. Somehow they lost the copy of my 'O' level certificate and silly people that they were, they gossiped that I didn't complete my 'O' levels... Don't these stupid women know that to be an instructor you had to have a diploma and to get a diploma you first had to have an 'O' level certificate with 3 credits at least!! Stupid bitches!!

My day start at 0530 hrs and I take a shower and get into my uniform and walk to the bus-stop.. The first bus (no: 12) comes along at 0610 hrs. and I take a 90-minute ride to the end of the line and I change bus.. If I'm lucky I get on the next bus (either no:1 or no:2) and ride for another 30 minutes to Changi point. Then I enter the side gate and walk 10 minutes to A.E.T.I. exactly at 0800 hrs.. IF I AM LUCKY.. Usually, at the change-over bus-stop, the buses were too full to take any more passengers and I had to wait and hope for some colleague to give me a lift.. hence the gossip when Au gave me a lift (he's usually late).. Sometimes I get a lift from Lta Kumar, sometimes John or Richard (they car-pool) and once I even got a lift from the Commanding Officer Col G.A.Long.. Imagine my surprise when his sleek black car pulled up to the bus-stop and he leaned over to open the door and gestured for me to get in... I didn't know what to do - salute or not? And all the other soldiers at the bus-stop also went quiet and then hush hush whispers.. I quickly got into the car, said "Good morning, sir!" and he drove off. He was a nice guy and he asked a few polite questions like "Where are you staying?" and after I answered "Queenstown", he said "That's quite far." and I don't remembered what we talked about but it took only 10 minutes and we arrived at the office.. "Thank you, sir!" No salute.

And this gets me to what I don't understand.. why are officers so hard up for a salute? Will they wither and die if an enlisted man don't salute them? You see.. there was this officer from who-knows-where who was walking towards me when I was leaving camp and I didn't salute him (because I don't know how - I didn't go for BMT) and he asked me where I'm from and then he complained to the CI.. So after my brush with Loh Shee Tong, I was sent for training (to teach me discipline!).. Actually I was happy to go as it meant I didn't have to endure a 2-
hour bus ride every morning and I didn't have to see their stupid faces!

For my BMT, I reported to Beach Road Camp which was opposite Raffles Hotel and next to the NCO Club, about 45 minutes bus ride from Queenstown.. so much better.. There I learned to salute, to march, to dismantle and re-assemble the AR-15 and to fire the weapon.. Also learned the rules and regulations like subordination, blah blah blah... I thoroughly enjoyed the 3 weeks despite the aches and pain.. One thing I remembered was that during these 3 weeks, I had a wedding invitation from one of the staff and I was seated opposite Lta Kumar at dinner and he asked how was BMT (I felt that he was sneering) and I replied (with a straight face) : "They taught us to fire the AR-15 today and I hit the target. I might go for Sharpshooter training." That shut them up!!

After I completed BMT, I had to join in the Saturday morning parade because now I can march!.. so one Saturday I arrived, late as usual, and rushed to join the parade but my contigent already marched down so I decided to go for coffee at the canteen... How was I to know that the Inche (WO) saw me and marched all of them back up (to let me join in).. but I was nowhere in sight... So he put me on charge for not attending the parade! So I got charged...was escorted into the OC's office and answered yes to the charge, paid a $200.00 fine.. The OC asked why I didn't attend the parade and I answered "Late, sir" So he said "Leave your house earlier." I said "I take the first bus, sir!" Then he said "Take transport then." "But sir, transport don't go near my house, sir! I have to take a bus to take transport, sir!" "Oh I see, okay, I'll see what I can do." Haha .. Transport make a detour to pick me up..

Another chance for me to get out of camp for 3 weeks was Outward Bound School in Pulau Ubin. I applied to go for the course just to prove to myself that I can do it. The very first day we were told to run round the field until quite a few of us collapsed.. This was so that the people there know who to look out for.. then they took us for a WALK...... up the slippery slopes, through the swamp (where some of the girls lost their shoes in the mud).....over obstacles courses that commandos train in..... and at the end we went to the dormitories with scrapes and muddy clothes and looking like shit.... But it was fun! At the school, we learned to absail, rock climb, sail a schooner, sail a dinghy, canoe, dive off a jetty
[there was a girl, from the commando unit who could parachute from 20,000 feet but dare not jump off the jetty..because she could see the water!!]
use the flying fox, move from one tree to the next using rope bridges and sometimes, there was only a single rope and you have to do the commando crawl... this one is teruk on the inner thigh! Walked across a channel of water with the feet on one rope and holding on to another rope for balance.. I went into the water... Had to camp over night at Pulau Tekong (as a group) and find our way back after going through a series of checkpoints... Stole somebody's pineapple... Was left to camp on our own (one night)... scared the shit off some of the girls because they heard a strange sound.. which was me chopping at a branch to fashion a walking stick.. and a whole lot of other stuff.. I nearly sank the schooner.. I volunteered to climb up a very steep cliff but was turned down by the instructor who didn't think he could hold my weight.. He's a scruny guy! Nearly drowned when doing the canoe-capsized drill because my shorts were caught in the seat.. Jumped into the sea to do the man-overboard drill because I had my period... sprained my ankle jumping off the balance beam.....groped my way in total darkness... etc...Towards the end of the three weeks, we all had to run for three kilometeres and I didn't collapse , didn't come in first but didn't come in last either!

I lost quite a lot of weight and was very tanned when I returned to camp but my hairdo was the worst ever! Like Little Orphan Annie! That's because the rules state that either the hair is short, above the collar or tied up in one bun... so I permed my hair in tight curls so that it's above my collar and not long enough to tie! I did this just before I went for OBS and after three weeks the hair grew .. Like afro!! HAPPENING !!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Army Daze

So here I was.. a Poly graduate.. not knowing what it was all about.. the electronics part anyway.. I remembered learning about valves being used in elctronic equipments like the television. Then the stupid professor started teaching transistors...even before he finished with valves ( for those of you too young to know, valves are like light bulbs and they glow when in working order, so to repair equipments it's very easy...whichever valve is not lighted, just replace that and ta-da the set is working again!)..and he did not know what he was doing.. probably because he read on it the night before.. Once he even came into the class and asked us to forget all he taught the day before and he started over again... Very confusing.. Then he went on to the Flip-Flops..don't ask me to explain what this is all about.. My mind was flipping and flopping when I saw the professor jumping from one end of the blackboard to the other pointing and saying something like "when this flip from one to zero...(here he run to the other end).. then this will flop from zero to one!" .. My eyeballs just rolled backwards!!

So, because of this lack of knowledge I couldn't get a job for more than a year...went to a lot of interviews but gave a blank stare when they ask about transistors and i-c's (intergrated-circuits which are made from a series of flip-flops... the basis of modern day electronis.. anybody want to elaborate on this? be my guest). Then one day, a letter came with a job offer... JOIN THE ARMED FORCES! Be an instructor! In the first place, I didn't want to be a teacher because I don't think I can handle kids so I didn't go to the Teachers Training Colledge like my mother wanted me to.. She didn't like the idea of me going to Poly...and here was an offer to be an instructor.. that's like being a teacher, and to army boys... Hmmm... Okay.

So I went to CMPB HQ at Dempsey Road (then) and signed a medical check-up and told to go to Changi Air Base for an interview with the Chief Instructor of the Electronics Department.. So I went to Changi Air Base and went down the bus as soon as I saw the sign that says A.E.T.I. (Air Engineering Training Institute).. Well it was the wrong department.. This is the AE (can't remember what it stands for - Aero something or other) and the CI was a Lta George Tan who immediately claimed me as his younger sister when he found out that I'm the new instuctor..the only female one.. Then he told his right hand man Sgt Speedy Gonzales to send me over to the right department and I rode the jeep there.

The Chief Instructor of the Electronics Dept was an ang-moh Cpt Campbell (not quite sure.. long time ago...forget ) , a chee-ko-pek and always drunk.. He approved my job application without second thought and promised that I won't need go for Basic Military Training.. but unfortunately ( or maybe not) the British forces withdrew six months after I joined and the Singapore Government took over.. I felt that the name change was a let down .. From Singapore Air Defence Command to Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and for the navy from Maritime Command to RSN...Such a boring title..

To continue... There was also another ang-moh.. SSG Hayword...quite a cheeky guy.. he got his wife to smuggle in a PLAYGIRL magazine for me.. with full page male nude!! At the first meeting, the Cpt did ask me about my medical check-up though and I found it weird that he should ask that. Later I was told that my ex-Poly classmates were also stationed there. When I went to see them in their instructor's room, they also asked me about the check-up and then I found out that there was another girl who also applied for the post but during the medical check-up, the doctors forgot to secure the room and a whole bunch of army guys walked in when she was naked! I think she slapped the doctor! My friends thought it was me... One of these guys was the one who teased me in Poly and he was the one who spread the rumour that I knew kung-fu.. Anyway, Cpt Campbell also got a threat from me.. He came into the store one day when I was there and he slapped my butt.. I turned around and told him "Do that again and you'll regret it!" He never dared but then again he was posted back soon after and never got the chance.

When the RAF left and RSAF took over, the new CI was a Lta Kumar.. a guy who stuck by the book but not altogether unreasonable.. not like another officer who I first knew when he was a sargeant. Loh Shee Tong ( not his actual name). This Neanderthal No.1 passed a remark about the women's toilet when the trainees were asked to clean it for some VIP visiting and the trainees told me... I stormed into his office and just scolded him.. not caring who else was in the room.. I said " The ladies toilet do not stink and even if it did, you should not have passed that comment!" and stormed out! Apparently an officer from another unit was there and Loh Shee Tong was embarrassed and from that day on he got a thorn in his side and later when he was promoted to Lta and sat in on officers meeting, he put in his two cents when it came to promotion time for the enlisted.. when my name came up he shot me down saying I got no respect for authority. If people in high ranking posts are like him I couldn't be bothered with them.. Who cares if I'm not promoted... At this point I was already fed-up...

In poly, I was top student in draughting and the second place was William, (the teaser- maybe jealous because of this) and he told the CI that I'm good in drawing and such.. so I was asked to make charts for the office and the CI said he would give me an extra Saturday off.. So I made the charts but never got my day off.. Lta Loh Shee Tong was there with Lta Kumar, saying I should be proud to be doing this for my country, blah blah blah, and not have to do it for a reward and they asked me to question myself why was I there. I gestured with my fingers "For MONEY" That pissed them off.. Well I was pissed too!!

Then there was another incident with Neanderthal No.2... another officer.. can't remember his name.. There was a civilian Au, (a Malaysian) also teaching there and he lived in Redhill and he had a red sports car, with white down the centre..very cool in the 70's... So sometimes he would give me a lift from Bedok where I change bus and sometimes on Saturday he would give me a lift from home if I don't wear my uniform... He didn't want to be seen with any person in uniform.. his choice.. and sometimes he would give me a lift out of camp to Bedok, saving me time. Now these people at the office see us coming in and leaving together and what do they assumed?? Neanderthal No.2 said to me " Hey, cpl Tan, do you know that Au is married?" I answered "So?" It didn't matter to me that he's married.. he's only giving me a lift in his car and we are just friends.. Can't a guy and a gal be friends without anything going on? Dumb Ass...

Case number three with Neanderthal No. 3.. SSG Teh a Chinese educated dim-wit.. I entered the instructor's room which I shared with all the other guys. At the far end of the room were those friends from Poly and Tham (he was never my class mate but a nice guy all the same) remarked " Now that one is a B.I.T.C.H." refering to me. I just sat there and possibly had a smile on my face because I admit that I could be quite bitchy sometimes. Then SSG Teh said "Wah.. first time I see a girl don't get angry when somebody said she's been sleeping around." HUH?? WHAT?? I was shocked!! Is that the only meaning to the word 'bitch' ? The guys at the corner were also shocked and quickly sat up straight and Tham very quickly exited with some other guys, mumbling as he passed my table, that he didn't meant it that way.. I told him.."Ya, I know".. Richard stayed behind and sat down opposite my table and tried to explain, and that's when I started crying.. At this point Neanderthal Teh left the room.. I was crying for quite a long time and Richard didn't know what to do.. Other people came in and wondered what's going on... I wasn't crying because somebody said that I'm a bitch.. nor because an idiot only got one meaning for the word, BUT because I got to work with IDIOTS like that!! Boy I'm still pissed !!

Other than these three incidents with CRAPPY SHITTY PEOPLE, my days in the air force was alright, working with Poly mates John, William, Richard, Tham and Teo.. and getting to know Lily the storegirl, Nah the clerk and Carlos, a Filipino... and some of the trainees like Justin Chen and Justin Lam who called me tai-kar-che (big sister in Cantonese)... Of course all the other trainees of EM1/76 and EM2/76.. I can't possibly name all of you even if I can remember your name...Actually I don't remember your names. Hahaha. I was sent for BMT though ( to teach me discipline) and I also went for Outward Bound training.. Those were the fun times in the RSAF for me.. AT YOUR OWN TIME, OWN TARGET...FIRE!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of ....School?

Well, I did admit to being a procrastinator...thus the lapse of more than two, to days...Hmmm..

My mother has told this story, more than once, just so to embarrass me - that I ran crying from the classroom on my first day of school. Remember, there were no kindergarten at that time so primary one was my first experience (I can't possibly remember the seperation from mother when 18 months old!) being away from mother.. So naturally when I don't see her, I cried and ran towards the tuckshop where I was seperated from her.. This I'm sure happened to a lot of kids.. Embarrassing.

Anyway, I've learnt my ABC's and I could count to one hundred, before I even went to school.. (my mother had her good points too). And because I am so clever, the teacher asked me (7 years old) to write stuff on the blackboard for the other students to copy.. I was elected class monitor and was sometimes told to go to the next class to keep and eye on them.. Wonder why the other class had no class monitor.. I remembered the 1B class teacher, Miss Betty Lim. Can't remember who my class (1A) teacher was.. so sorry for that...mainly because Miss Lim was kind of short and round like me and always smiling. By the way, I went to Birkhall (Road) Primary School which was later combined with Queenstown Primary School.

In primary 2 I got to know a Mr. Wee who taught art and craft.. He's not my class teacher but he instilled in me the love for needlework and almost anything to do with art and craft. I learned to make bead-bags and also how to print on cloth... In those days we used a template over cotton cloth, colored in the design with crayons and then placed a piece of white paper over the pattern and ironed with a very hot iron. This printed piece of cloth is then sewn up neatly and I got a table napkin. Totally color-fast..not even boiling in water could remove the colours!! Only thing was that my mother complained that her iron was ruined.. (I volunteered to lend the iron to the school for this project and the filament got burnt). Another project I did in Pr 6, was to weave a carpet... I shared this project with another girl and when it was exhibition time, the teacher decided that to show people that we did it, we took turns to make a smaller version of our work during the exhibition period. (This smaller carpet - 2 of them - was promised to both of us but I never saw it after all was done..??)

One reason for not remembering my class teacher was that she accused me of dishonesty.. You see I was good in all my studies.. no mistakes.. so.. one day I got back my Chinese test paper and got 98/100.. The teacher circled the word for 'tree'... she said I didn't dot it which I did.. She then accused me of dotting the word AFTER I got back the test papers!! ME DISHONEST?? I swore not to learn Chinese after that!! (Well my grades dropped and you'll learn what happened later).

In Primary 3 I had a tonsilectomy at the beginning of the year. When I came back to school I was informed that I was selected to be a prefect, but they asked another girl to hold the post temporarily.. She refused to give up the post and so I just left it at that. No big deal. I became head prefect in Pr 6 and was always late for school... No problem.. I didn't have to queue, just patrol the corridor which I did after sneaking to the classroom to put in my bag. During my hospital stay, there was a lady who went round to all the patients and asked them if they want to do cross-stitch, to pass the time.. (no tv then, only piped music.. ) I asked her to show me how it's done and from then onwards I liked doing cross-stitch. I did cross-stitch with raffia to make a bag for one of my craft projects in Pr 4 or Pr 5, both of which was a blur.. During these times and before the PSLE Exams I was asked by my class-mates to give them tests.. So we sat someplace and I would ask them questions, after quickly reading through.. That was how I revised my studies.. I did mentioned I was very clever (big hat to me) and my maths was very good.. I remembered that during the PSLE exam I finished my paper very quickly and then fell asleep at the desk.. The invigilator (a teacher from another school) was worried and kept tapping on my desk.. I think I fell asleep for 20 mins and woke up, annoyed with the tapping.. I looked at the teacher and asked if I could hand in my paper.. She thought I couldn't do it and was surprised when she checked my paper.. I supposed there were no mistakes because I scored well and went to Raffles Girls Secondary School...My class teacher said I had to smell his foot first before I could go to that school.. Well how about smelling MY FOOT!
[I wasn't the smartest student in school. There was this boy in my class Chan Wai Meng, who did so well in the PSLE that he was offered a place in Victoria Institute which was one notch better than Raffles Institute although his parents only chose neighbourhood schools for him...they couldn't afford to send him to the other more prestigous schools but he got help from the Ministry of Education...]

Secondary School...Sigh... we were not from Raffles Girls PRIMARY School and were treated like lepers by those from RGPS and also most teachers... We were easily identified because we went to school for the first week in uniforms from our primary school.. We were given a stack of papers with uniform pattern and rules and what not, and book list, etc., on the first day and were told to get new uniforms by the second week.. And the first 2 classes were reserved for RGPS girls and so I was in class 1/3 together with some who became my best friends.. In secondary one we had to study all subjects..English, Literature, E-Maths, A-Maths, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Domestic Science (Home Econs) and a second language -Chinese.

Secondary 2 : we were streamed.. in Arts class you had to take History which I hated and I went to Science class although I hated Biology and Chemistry.. Fortunately we need only take two of the sciences if we so chose.. and I took Physics and Chemistry.. No dissection for me!.. Yucks! As I said before, I swore off Chinese and my grades dropped and so I went from Sec 1/3 to Sec 2/4 to Sec 3/5. During one of my failing-Chinese classes, the teacher told me not to sit for the 2nd language paper for the 'O' levels so that my certificate would look failing marks...(lucky year was the last one before it became compulsory to take the 2nd language..yay!!) So.. because I didn't take Chinese at the year-end exams my grades were high and I was 'promoted' to Sec 4/2 . I made new friends, one in particular was Chan Fong Chee, and there were the twins Judith and Julia, Oi Chin, and who else?? Can't remember.. But still my best friends were those from Sec 1/3... Nai San, Fong Peng, Chui Leng, Fong Wah, Wai Lin,....

After 'O' levels I went to Singapore Polytechnic, made a few friends and went through lessons there like a zombie.. Didn't know what I was doing.. the rage then was electronics and so I chose to learn that.. Unfortunately the professor teaching that was also new to the subject and he confused me more that anything and I was spaced out (people might have thought that I was on drugs) and failed the second year (my dad, the wise old man, sat me down and did not scold me, but just remarked that I wasted one year of opportunities..wake-up call!!) So I ended up doing 4 years for a 3-year diploma course in electronics and communications... The only funny thing that happened was also related to Maths. I said before..I was good in Maths.. so good that I finished in 2 hours what was a 3-hour paper. After checking it numerous times I decided to hand in the paper and walked out of the exam hall.. There was a buzz as everybody else started to panic and checked their watches and looked around.. until the invigilator announced that there was still one hour to go before time was up. A big Sigh of relief from everybody.. When the second year exams came.. my class mate warned me not to leave the exam hall early and so I sat there and did all questions for the fun of it (Only required to do 5 out of 8) Hahaha..

Another incident that happened during this time generated a rumour later in my of my classmates was always making fun of me until I got so fed up that I stood up to him and dared him to fight with me... He told people that I know martial arts!!! Hahaha..... EVERYBODY WAS KUNG FU FIGHTING.. HAH! HAH!